Advanced studies of modern physics rely heavily on mathematics. In fact, throughout history, these two subjects are highly related.
Introductory level:
- Crowell B. Light and Matters (FREE!) - Including Newtonian Physics, Conservation Laws, Vibrations and Waves, Electricity and Magnetism, Optics and the Modern Revolution in Physics, etc.
- Dolgachev I.V. Introduction to Physics 1, 2, 3, 4 and literature [.pdf] (FREE!)
- Schnick J.W. Calculus-Based Physics (FREE!)
- Eisberg R.M. Fundamentals of Modern Physics
- Eisberg R. and Resnick R. Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei, and Particles - A very nice quantum physics text.
- Feynman R.P. Feynman Lectures On Physics - Modern classics.
- Fowler M. Modern Physics (FREE!)
- Firk W.K. Introduction to Groups, Invariants & Particles (FREE!)
- Fitzpatrick R. Courses Taught at UT Austin (FREE!) - Quantum mechanics, classical electromagnetism, introduction to plasma physics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, analytical classical dynamics, etc.
- Goldstein H. Classical Mechanics
- Hawking S. Public Lectures (FREE!)
- Heinbockel, J.H Introduction to Tensor Calculus and Continuum Mechanics (FREE!)
- Heisenberg W. Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory
- Jeans J.H. An Elementary Treatise On Theoretical Mechanics
- Joos G. and Freeman I.M. Theoretical Physics
- Morin D. Introductory Classical Mechanics, with Problems and Solutions (FREE!)
- Rzchowski M. and Kern K. Ideas of Modern Physics (FREE!)
- Schiller C. Motion Mountain (FREE!)
- Tatum J.B. Physics Topics (FREE!) - Stellar atmospheres, celestial mechanics, classical mechanics, geometric optics, electricity and magnetism, heat and thermodynamics, planetary photometry notes.
- Arnold V.I. Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics
- Boas M.L. Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences
- Butkov E. Mathematical Physics
- Byron F.W. and Fuller R.W. Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics - This text covers a wide range of mathematics topics that are often used in physics, e.g. calculus of variations, Hilbert space, Green's function and group theory.
- Courant R. and Hilbert D. Methods of Mathematical Physics Vol 1, 2
- Doyle P.G. and Snell J.L. Random Walks and Electric Networks [.pdf] (FREE!)
- Fecko M. Differential Geometry and Lie Groups for Physicists
- Hamermesh M. Group Theory and Its Application to Physical Problems
- Hassani S. Mathematical Physics: A Modern Introduction to Its Foundations
- Isham C.J. Modern Differential Geometry for Physicists
- Jeffreys H. and Jeffreys B. Methods of Mathematical Physics
- Koks D. Explorations in Mathematical Physics: The Concepts Behind an Elegant Language
- Kreyszig E. Advanced Engineering Mathematics - The bible of many engineers.
- Nakahara M. Geometry, Topology and Physics
- Nash C. and Sen S. Topology and Geometry for Physicists
- Nearing J. Mathematical Tools for Physics (FREE!) - ODE, Fourier Series, Multivariable Calculus, Vector Calculus, PDE, Numerical Analysis, Tensors, Complex Variable, Fourier Analysis, Calculus of Variations, etc.
- Szekeres P. A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics: Groups, Hilbert Space and Differential Geometry
- Teschl G. Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems (FREE!)
- Wyld H.W. Mathematical Methods for Physics
- Carroll S.M. Lecture Notes on General Relativity or in (FREE!)
- Einstein A. Relativity - For general reader.
- Einstein A. The Meaning of Relativity - Stanford Little Lectures.
- Frauendiener J, Giulini D.J.W. and Perlick V. Analytical and Numerical Approaches to Mathematical Relativity - More advanced work.
- Gardner R.B. Differential Geometry (and Relativity) (FREE!)
- Lugo G. Differential Geometry in Physics (FREE!) - Aimed to built up mathematical background to study general theory of relativity.
- Pauli W. Theory of Relativity - Published at the young age of relativity by a 21 years old young man, still stand as a good exposition today.
- Sachs R.K. and Wu H.-H. General Relativity for Mathematicians
- Sharipov R. Classical Electrodynamics and Theory of Relativity (FREE!)
- 't Hooft G. Introduction to General Relativity [.pdf] (FREE!)
- Waner S. Introduction to Differential Geometry and General Relativity (FREE!)
- Weyl H. Space, Time, Matter - Weyl describes a failed attempt of gauge invariance in this book.
- Cohen D. Lecture Notes in Quantum Mechanics (FREE!)
- Griffiths D.J. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
- Landsman N.P. Lectures on C*-Algebras, Hilbert C*-Modules, and Quantum Mechanics (FREE!)
- Liboff R. Introductory Quantum Mechanics - A very nice quantum mechanics text.
- Sakurai J.J. Advanced Quantum Mechanics
- Sakurai J.J Modern Quantum Mechanics
- Schulten K. Notes on Quantum Mechanics (FREE!)
- Shankar R. Principles of Quantum Mechanics
- Teschl G. Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics (FREE!)
- von Neumann J. Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
- de Wit B. Lecture Notes Quantum Field Theory 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005 [.pdf] (FREE!)
- Forshaw J. Quantum Field Theory (FREE!)
- IAS Quantum Field Theory (FREE!)
- Siegel W. Introduction to String Field Theory (FREE!)
- Siegel W. Fields (FREE!) - Over 800 pages of comprehensive text.
- Weinberg S. The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. 1: Foundations
Weinberg S. The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. 2: Modern Applications
Weinberg S. The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. 3: Supersymmetry
- Polchinski J. What is String Theory? (FREE!)
- Siopsis G. String Theory (FREE!)
- 't Hooft G. Lectures String Theory (FREE!)
- Uranga A.M. Graduate Course in String Theory
- Zwiebach B. A First Course in String Theory
- Cvitanović P., Artuso R., Mainieri R., Tanner G., Vattay G., Whelan N. and Wirzba A. Chaos: Classical and Quantum (FREE!)
- Cross M. Introduction to Chaos (FREE!)
- Smith L. Chaos: A Very Short Introduction
3 則留言:
The home page for Bernard de Wit's quantum field theory notes have changed; they are now available at The Spinoza Institute's page...
Updated, thanks.
Feynman Lectures On Physics is available online.